Former Commissioner advising the State Senate on Real Property Insurance and the Motion Picture Council which was established to stop runaway production. For the City of Los Angeles. I served on the Construction Services Committee (administers a building permit trust fund), Commission/ Advisor on the development of the Sign and Landscape Ordinances. Commission on East Los Angeles Economic Development. Consultant/Advisor to the Los Angeles Department of City Planning on streamlining the Environmental Impact Review process. and AD HOC Chairman for special computer and other tasks as requested by the Mayor or members of the City Council
I have a variety of charitable interests beyond the scope of real estate that have provided me vast flexibility as well as a wealth of relationships and contacts. I have served as Chairman of the Board of the Southern California Business Property Council. San Fernando Chapter President of the American Friends of The Hebrew University, and as a Board Member of both the Joffrey Ballet and the Guardians of the Jewish Home In the Aging. I am currently a Board Member of Temple of the Arts in Beverly Hills.
In addition, I have been a contributor to the Music Center of Los Angeles and have been a member ofthe fraternity of Friends. Other charitable interests include serving as a Patron of The University of Judaism and membership in the Directors Forum at The Museum of Contemporary Art (MOCA of Los Angeles). I am a Godparent and continuing contributor to Vista Del Mar Child Care Services, as well as a Supporting Member of the California Museum Foundation. The los Angeles Times includes me on their VIP list.